Colombia Ice Honey Mojito



Green Beans- Single Origin

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The Processing Method

This bean undergoes a meticulous process that results in flavors reminiscent of a mojito cocktail. It begins with honey processing and alcoholic fermentation infused with peppermint in an open environment for 72 hours. Afterward, the cherries are carefully rinsed, and yeast and peppermint are reintroduced for another 96-hour fermentation period. Finally, the green beans are sun-dried for 21 days, creating a distinctive flavor profile that reflects the producer’s dedication to quality and innovation.

Bean information

Country: Colombia

Region: Pitalito, Huila

Farm: Finca Campo Hermoso

Producer: Edwim Norena & his mother Amparo

Altitude: 1650 masl

Processing Method: Honey and Alcoholic fermentation

Cultivar: Caturra

Available packaging size: 1KG only


For more details on how we roast this bean—roast level, tasting notes, and farm info—check out this link!


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