Colombia Finca Las Flores Decaf


Preserving the Bean’s Essence

[Why We Recommend this Decaf]

It is rare to find a decaf that maintains the essence of its original bean characteristics. Despite undergoing the decaffeination process, this coffee retains its inherent flavours, offering a delightful surprise for decaf enthusiasts.


Coffee Unveiled: The Farm, Producers

[The Farm]

Founded in the 1990s, Finca Las Flores has blossomed from an 18,000-tree farm to a sprawling 90,000-tree estate. Nestled in the city of Acevedo within the Huila region at an elevation of 1830 meters above sea level, this estate is a hub of coffee innovation. Continuously researching and experimenting with varietals and processing methods, Finca Las Flores now cultivates a diverse array of coffee types, including Red, Pink, and Yellow Bourbon, Tabi, Java, Maracaturra, Geisha, Wush Wush, and Sidra.

[The Producers]

In 2006, the Vergara family embarked on a specialty coffee journey by joining the Cup of Excellence competition. Since then, they have worked tirelessly, with the guidance of their son Johan, to elevate and distinguish their green coffee offerings. Currently, they collaborate with Finca El Diviso to craft exciting new profiles.


[Decaffeinating Process]

Following initial cleaning, sorting, and rinsing, the green beans undergo decaffeination using the sugarcane decaf process. Initially, the beans are soaked in a water and steam solution to cause the beans to swell to facilitate the caffeine extraction. Next, the beans undergo an Ethyl Acetate (EA) wash for 8 hours, effectively removing the caffeine content. EA, a natural compound extracted from sugarcane, binds with chlorogenic acids of the caffeine compound, initiating the separation process between caffeine and the coffee bean.

Subsequent water and steam cleaning ensures thorough purification without excessive heat or pressure, preserving the beans’ natural flavour and fruity complexity in the cup.


Bean Information

Country: Colombia

Region: Pitalito, Huila

Farm: Finca Las Flores

Producer: Vergara Family- Ediberto, John and Carlos Vergara

Altitude: 1730-1750 masl

Varietal: Pink Bourbon

Processing Method: Sugarcane Decaf

Roasting Level: Light roast (Note: As a result of the decaffeination process,  the roasted beans take on a dark appearance and may exhibit a slightly oily texture compared to regular beans.)

Tasting Notes:

  • In Espresso: Orange, Passion Fruit, Mint, Chocolate Chip
  • With Milk: Orange Sherbet, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice-cream

[Comparison with our Mighty Decaf]

Wonder what is the difference between our 2 Decafs? Find out here.


Other Add-Ons

250g Tin Can:

  • Perfect for storing your freshly roasted coffee beans
  • Has a valve and PE (polyethylene) plastic stopper for optimal freshness and aroma retention



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1 review for Colombia Finca Las Flores Decaf

  1. Daniel

    This decaf that had a really nice flavour profile. Best decaf I’ve had. 5 stars. Better than other decaf coffees that had by other roasters.

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